“Autour de Marguerite” thanks all those who testified or contributed to the exhibition with documents and photographs. Thanks also for their help to the Archives of the City of Brussels, KBR, CEGESOMA, URBAN, the Tram Museum. We are also grateful to the échevinats de l’Urbanisme, de la Culture et de l’Economie of the City of Brussels and to URBAN – Heritage Days for their financial support.
Research and conception : Sophie Wittemans
“Autour de Marguerite” thanks all those who testified or contributed to the exhibition with documents and photographs. Thanks also for their help to the Archives of the City of Brussels, KBR, CEGESOMA, URBAN, the Tram Museum. We are also grateful to the échevinats de l’Urbanisme, de la Culture et de l’Economie of the City of Brussels and to URBAN – Heritage Days for their financial support.
Research and conception : Sophie Wittemans