Autour de Marguerite

Square Marguerite 18-21

Menu Exhibition Shops and Estaminets
Square Marguerite 18-21

The area from 17-23 had a long commercial history. At the two corners, there were two estaminets… Between the estaminets, shops and hairdressers.

Coll. Christian Dekeyser. Circa 1908.


At numbers 18-19, J. Van Lancker opened a delicatessen in 1904. It was situated in a beautiful house designed by the architects  B. de Lestré de Fabribeckers and J. Van Kriekinge. The shop was taken over by his daughter and son-in-law Depacquie in 1907 : you could also buy preserves, game and other foodstuffs there. Then in 1923, Th. Decabooter, the previous owner of the cafe Au Nouveau Siecle, installed himself there as a seller of wines, liqueurs and beers. In 1935, the wine shop became a post office for the area operated by the collector De Wolf until 1939. After that, the site became a newspaper and tobacconist which lasted for many years.  

After the war and at least until 1955, Guillaume did men’s hair (and women’s hair from 1953) on the first floor.

The Delicatessen of no 18 circa 1905. From : EBRU, 2004- 2021


From 1898, the houses numbered 20 and 21 contained a grocery shop run by the widow Leemans, who sold colonial products (coffee, chocolate, tea and spices). In 1920, this shop was taken over by Wutterwulghe’s fishmonger. In 1932 the fishmonger was replaced by another grocers shop, run by Mrs L. Detiege. They sold preserves and fresh fruit and vegetables. From 1945 to 1955, a laundry and fashion shop took its place and then a radio shop which sold the make ‘Areson’. Finally, a shop which sold household wares  was installed there until 1965, the date of demolition of the old houses.

© KBR, JB838


Number 22 was an apartment which was often incorporated into the premises of Brasserie de l’Union or l’Esplanade. But from the start of the twentieth century, Charles, the hairdresser, working from the first floor, loved to do ladies’ hair… In 1922, Mme Degueldre’s husband (she was  the attendant at the estaminet next door) was a ladies’ tailor from this address.

© Archives of the City of Brussels, J182