Autour de Marguerite

A Square or a church?

What is finally the most profitable, to the inhabitants and the shopkeepers ?

 » It would be regrettable if the wonderful square, which serves everyone so well as a parade ground, as a place for celebrations and games of all kinds, would be relinquished.  We are sure that the shopkeepers of the square benefit enormously from the parties that are held there, much more so than baptisms, weddings and burials. Leave the square as it is, without any more buildings, but add a double row of chestnut trees or plane trees as well as a dozen benches. This is the wish of many of the Nord-Estois. « 

Bruxelles Nord-Est, 22/9/1901 (Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles)


Circa 1903. Coll. S. Wittemans