Autour de Marguerite

z.old_The programme

The group of locals, ‘Autour de Marguerite’, invite you all to their street festival in Rue Le Corrège on Saturday 14th May between 11 am and 5 pm. The part of the road that runs between Sq. Marguerite and Rue Franklin will be closed to traffic for this event.

On the programme:
11:00 et 12:00 Bagpipe concert and Irish jig display by pupils of the Academy of Music

13:00 – 14:30 Furoshiki workshop (watch this video to find out more)

11:00 – 15:00 Initiation of circus skills, display of juggling,

But also…

• Entertainment for everyone: a giant target ‘Dart Foot’, Smoothie Bike

• Treasure Hunt: which birds live in our neighbourhood?

• Exhibition of children’s drawings on the theme ‘Birds’

• Tombola: win one of three containers full of flowers to decorate your pavement

• Nature and biodiversity in town: watering of flower boxes, sale of plants and cuttings etc.

• Organ concerts and guided tour of the Sacré-Coeur Church

• Decoration of the area by children

• Tasting the produce of local businesses (this is to be paid for!)

A warm welcome awaits you!